Well it's turning out to be an interesting time.
As I discussed recently, contracting is turning out to be something of a pain in the ass.
I recently started applying for suitable contracts in Auckland - a sprawling city in the North. Apparently.
I managed to secure a phone interview with a Nameless Large Company, and they kindly informed me afterwards that I came "a close second".
This was cool, and usually that woud have been the end of it. Us contractors have to be used to rejections - it's part of the job.
But they have confused matters a bit - they told my agent that they might consider me for a perm role. Usually, I'd reject this straight away, but it's been nearly 5 months since I last secured a contract. Also, it's a very well known company, and there are some excellent bribes, er, I mean benefits...
I'll not mention what they are cuz you'll instantly know the company. Suffice to say I'd be able to do the thing they do for 60% less than everyone else.
The downside is that we'd have to move to Auckland. We've visited the city in the north several times. No doubt, it's an excellent city to live in. It has been voted the 4th best city in the world last year, and is thus the best English-speaking city in the world. It reminded me of a cleaner version of Dublin. Kinda.
So, assuming I get offered the job (interview on Tuesday), should I accept, and drag Jacqui and me several hundred kms north? We've already travelled 10,000 kms to get to NZ. What's a few hundred more?
As I discussed recently, contracting is turning out to be something of a pain in the ass.
I recently started applying for suitable contracts in Auckland - a sprawling city in the North. Apparently.
I managed to secure a phone interview with a Nameless Large Company, and they kindly informed me afterwards that I came "a close second".
This was cool, and usually that woud have been the end of it. Us contractors have to be used to rejections - it's part of the job.
But they have confused matters a bit - they told my agent that they might consider me for a perm role. Usually, I'd reject this straight away, but it's been nearly 5 months since I last secured a contract. Also, it's a very well known company, and there are some excellent bribes, er, I mean benefits...
I'll not mention what they are cuz you'll instantly know the company. Suffice to say I'd be able to do the thing they do for 60% less than everyone else.
The downside is that we'd have to move to Auckland. We've visited the city in the north several times. No doubt, it's an excellent city to live in. It has been voted the 4th best city in the world last year, and is thus the best English-speaking city in the world. It reminded me of a cleaner version of Dublin. Kinda.
So, assuming I get offered the job (interview on Tuesday), should I accept, and drag Jacqui and me several hundred kms north? We've already travelled 10,000 kms to get to NZ. What's a few hundred more?
Yes! Go for it! Dad.