I finally got the guitar finished. I'm sure you'll remember that one I bought in a local auction shortly before Christmas? I finally got it wired up, screw together and stringed. I plugged it in and was more than a little amazed to find that it actually worked! It's actually feels nice to play, and looks pretty too. It also has buckets of tone and I would imagine would make a nice blues guitar. However, it's not perfect as yet. There appears to be something of an annoying hum, but I think with some additional shielding and grounding, it'll be fine. And it's a fairly well known issue with strats anyway. Also, the neck pickup appears not to work. Not sure why - it appears to be correctly wired. No problems though. I very rarely use that pickup anyway. And lastly, the scratch plate doesn't really fit. The body isn't exactly a strat shape, just very similar. I think it looks quirky, so I don't mind :) Check it o...
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