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Showing posts from August 16, 2009

Making Rosca de Reyes

Well, tonight we're making Rosca de Reyes . Rosca de Reyes is a traditional Mexican bread cake that's typically made in January, but we're a bit seasonally maladjusted, so we're making it in August. We're getting ahead of ourselves. This is supposed to be the amazing first post : the great start to a remarkable new blog. Well, failing that, here's a brief rundown of who we are: We're a Mexican/Irish combination living in New Zealand. Most of the posts on this blog will be about food. Irish, Mexican or otherwise. We might also post the odd thing about whatever else interests us. Who knows! Anyway : back to the bread. We bought most of the ingredients for the bread months ago, and then proceeded to store them in our cupboard. There they've sat, potent and ready, just waiting for us to gather the will to make the cake. So : what's in it? Pretty normal bready mixture : flour, eggs, sugar, yeast, butter. But it's a bit special because it...